Our Management

Retal Management comprises a team of experts who represent the driving force behind our business, focusing on areas where we can create the most value.

Eng. Abdullah Faisal Abdulaziz Al Braikan

 CEO and board member

Eng. Yousif Al-Hamoudi

COO – Chief Operating Officer 

Ammar Al Ghoul

CFO – Chief Financial Officer

Eng. Mostafa Tawfik

CDO – Chief Development Officer

Eng. Ahmad AlAskar
Central Region Head

Mohammed Assiri

General Manager of the Western Sector

Eng. Mohammed Khalid AlMohammadi

Chief strategy Officer

Mohammed AlOumi
Human Capital Director
Eng. Abdullah O. Al Salih
Digital Transformation & Business Excellence Director

Mahmoud Abdallah Shamseldin

Internal Audit Director

Mohammed Alkohaji

Customer Care Director

Eng. Abdullah Hamed Mossalam

Supply Chain Director 

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